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it was rad. 88 drummers performing an 88 minute composition, starting at 8:08PM on 08/08/08 at the la brea tar pits. led by japanese noise rock band Boredoms, the 88 drummers treated a couple hundred lucky angelinos to a thundering and memorable performance.

i mean, it was awesome. there was a circular stage with boredoms in the middle, and all the other drummers surrounded the platform with their drum kits. it was truly a trip to see so many drummers, a panoramic sprawl of drum kits at the tar pits. we sat down around the drummers in the park and just took in the primal beats.

it just sweeps you in like the ocean, like you’re waiting for a big wave to come. before you know it, you’re caught up in the soundscape until Eye raises his staff and the 88 drums crash in unison.

if the show ends up on dvd like the last one (77 Boadrum), it’s definitely worth checking out. very glad i got to check it out in person.

going to the la brea tar pits for


should be fun, will let you know how it goes! (UPDATED)

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